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CAS 71-36-3 Normal Butanol with High Quality suppliers in Kuwait, Muscat, Dubai UAE.

Dubi Chem is one of the Normal Butanol manufacturers, exporters, producers, and suppliers in Fujairah, Sharjah, Jurf Ajman, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Ras Al Khaimah, Kuwait, Muscat, Dubai UAE. 


We are supplied to various industrial markets including Household, Institutional Cleaning, Personal Care, and Industrial sectors including Oil fields, chemical, Animal feed additive, Food additive, Agrochemical, Fertilizer, pharmaceuticals, water treatment, Minerals, Lubricants, Marine Industry, Metal Working chemical industry, and Coatings markets.





Normal Butanol (NBA),1-Butanol, also known as butan-1-ol or n-butanol, is a primary alcohol with the chemical formula C4H9OH and a linear structure. Isomers of 1-butanol are isobutanol, butan-2-ol and tert-butanol. The unmodified term butanol usually refers to the straight chain isomer.


1-Butanol occurs naturally as a minor product of the ethanol fermentation of sugars and other saccharides and is present in many foods and drinks. It is also a permitted artificial flavorant in the United States, used in butter, cream, fruit, rum, whiskey, ice cream and ices, candy, baked goods, and cordials. It is also used in a wide range of consumer products.









1-Butanol, also known as butan-1-ol or n-butanol, is a primary alcohol with the chemical formula C4H9OH and a linear structure. Isomers of 1-butanol are isobutanol, butan-2-ol and tert-butanol. The unmodified term butanol usually refers to the straight chain isomer.


1-Butanol occurs naturally as a minor product of the ethanol fermentation of sugars and other saccharides and is present in many foods and drinks. It is also a permitted artificial flavorant in the United States, used in butter, cream, fruit, rum, whiskey, ice cream and ices, candy, baked goods, and cordials. It is also used in a wide range of consumer products.



Product Description


Product Name: Butyl Alcohol / n-Butyl alcohol

CAS Number 71-36-3

Molecular formula C4H100



Other names


n-Butyl alcohol

n-Butyl hydroxide







Industrial use


Constituting 85% of its use, 1-butanol is mainly used in the production of varnishes. It is a popular solvent, e.g. for nitrocellulose. A variety of butyl esters are used as solvents, e.g. butoxyethanol. Many plasticizers are based on butyl esters, e.g., dibutyl phthalate. The monomer butyl acrylate is used to produce polymers. It is the precursor to n-butylamines.


Application 1: It is used in the production of butyl acetate, dibutyl phthalate, phosphoric acids plasticizer, melamine resin, acrylic acids, epoxy varnish, etc.


Application 2:It is mainly used in the production of phthalic acid, aliphatic dicarboxylic acid and phosphoric acids n-butyl ester plasticizer. They are widely used in various plastic and rubber products. It is also the raw material of butyraldehyde, butyric acid, butylamine and butyl lactate in organic synthesis. Or oil, drugs (such as antibiotics, hormones and vitamins) and spices extractant, alkyd resin coating additives. It can also be used as solvent and dewaxing agent for organic dyes and printing inks.


Application 3:As a solvent, it can be used to separate potassium perchlorates and sodium perchlorates, as well as sodium chloride and lithium chloride. It is used to wash the precipitation of sodium uranyl zinc acetate. In colorimetric determination, the molybdate method is used for the determination of arsenics acid. Determination of fat in milk, medium of saponification ester. Paraffin embedded materials were prepared for microscopic analysis. Used as solvent for fat, wax, resin, shellac, gum, etc.



Product Application


1. For the production of n-butyl ester plasticizers (phthalic acid, aliphatic dibasic acid and phosphoric acid), as well as plastic and rubber products.


2. It is also the raw material of butyraldehyde, butyric acid, butylamine and butyl lactate in organic synthesis.


3. Extract of oils, medicines and spices, additives in alkyd resin coatings, etc.


4. It can also be used as solvent and dewaxing agent for organic dyes and printing inks.


5. Also used in the production of melamine resin, acrylic acid, epoxy varnish, etc.;


6. Used as chromatographic analysis reagent, also used for organic synthesis, etc.;


7. Used for preparing banana, cream, whisky and cheese flavor.











We are trying our best to supply every chemical you may wish to buy. However, if there is something you can’t find, feel free to contact us and we will find just what you are looking for and offer you a competitive price. We have many customers in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, United Kingdom, and European Union countries and retain long-term cooperation. ​For more information or to request a particular product, call customer services or Given website Email address.

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We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates